
Chilled Water/Cooling Outage - December 20th

Chilled Water/Cooling Outage - December 20th

Due to projects at the Central Plant, there will be a chilled water/cooling outage all day on December 20th for the buildings below. There should be minimal to no noticeable impact on campus given the cooler outside temperatures.

Academic Computing Lab
Allen Hall
Bowen Hall
Butler Hall
Carpenter Engineering
Cobb Institute of Archaeology
Colvard Student Union
Davis Wade Stadium
Deavenport Hall
Dogwood Hall
Fresh Food Co Dining Facility
George Hall
Hand Chemical Lab
Harned Hall
Herbert Hall
Hilbun Hall
Industrial Education
Lee Hall
Longest Student Health Center
Magnolia Hall
Magruder Hall
McCain Engineering
McComas Hall
McCool Hall
Middleton Hall
Mitchell Memorial Library
Montgomery Hall
Moseley Hall
Music Facility
Nusz Center for America's Veterans
Oak Hall
Old Main Academic Center
Patterson Engineering
Perry Cafeteria
Rice Hall
Roberts Building
Rula Engineering
Simrall Electrical Engineering
Student Media Center
Swalm Chemical Engineering
TK Martin Center
Walker Engineering

We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience and support.

Please contact the Facilities Management Service Desk at 662-325-2005 if you have any questions.
